Ambisonic Microphones

Ambisonic microphones are used to record soundscapes in 360°. This full-sphere surround sound format captures the full localization information around the microphone as well as height information.

Most ambisonic microphones feature four microphones arranged in a tetrahedral array.

Ambisonic recordings are most often used for 360° video, video games, and surround sound for theater and stage purposes.

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Entry Level

Zoom H3-VR

The Zoom H3-VR is an ambisonic microphone and recorder in one.

It’s super easy to setup and use, making it great for beginners interested in ambisonics.

Its relatively high self noise is not ideal for recording quieter ambiences.


Rode NT-SF1

The Rode NT-SF1 is a professional ambisonic microphone with low self noise.

At 17 dBA, it’s quiet enough for most recording environments.

However, noise reduction software may be required for satisfactory results when recording quieter ambiences.

Best Overall

SoundField SPS200

The SoundField SPS200 is the best ambisonic microphone available.

With only 12 dBA of noise, it’s capable of capturing the quietest ambiences with very little hiss.

It’s available in 4 kit options:

Kit 1: Software Controlled Microphone System – Comprising SPS200 microphone, NN4001 5 metre cable, MSA-200 Mic Holder, ‘SPS200’ Surround Zone software and PFC200 Professional Carry Case

Kit 2: Software Controlled Microphone System – Comprising SPS200 microphone, NN4001 5 metre cable, MSA-200 Mic Holder, ‘SPS200’ Surround Zone software and compact PFC201 Pelicase + SPS200 Rycote Windshield Kit

Kit 3: Software Controlled Microphone System – Comprising SPS200 microphone, NN4001 5 metre cable, MSA-200 Mic Holder, ‘SPS200’ Surround Zone software + Zephyx ‘floating cage’ Windshield

Kit 4: Software Controlled Microphone System – Comprising SPS200 microphone, NN4001 5 metre cable, MSA-200 Mic Holder, ‘SPS200’ Surround Zone software and PFC200 Professional Carry Case + SMP200 matched pre-amp