
The Value of Nature Sounds

Whether we realize it consciously or not, people greatly value the sounds of nature. Sound is a vital aspect in our lives and impacts our health, financial decisions and even our DNA! I have done a lot of research in these fields and I’m excited to share with you what I learned. Your perception of sound will be forever changed!

Where Nature Comes From

Before we begin, I want to set the stage. When spending time in nature, it is easy to take things at face value. We see trees, flowing water, buzzing insects and singing birds. What most of us don’t realize is how truly ancient this landscape is.

In the succession model that explains how our planet transitioned from molten-rock to Earth, forests were one of the last ecosystems to emerge.

Forests represent the pinnacle of evolution and only exist because of every previous phase of life. Because of this, you could say that a forest’s roots truly began growing during the inception of our planet, 4.5 billion years ago.

This relationship is depicted below. The process of organisms growing, spreading and dying slowly creates deeper and richer soils that supports the next stage of life. The entire process from exposed rock to forest can take thousands of years!

Nature in Our DNA


Before the comforts of social media, the internet and even electricity, we lived in nature. Living in connection with nature allowed us to “tune-in” to natural cycles.

Patterns expressed as sights, sounds and smells allowed us to understand and to predict our surroundings. The ability to predict was critical for our survival and became hardwired into our DNA. Some of these evolutionary traits our called “survival instincts.” Lets look at some examples:

1. Fear of Snakes - Did you know we are all born with a natural fear of snakes? In a 2017 study, 6-month-olds were shown images of fish and snakes and their response was recorded by pupil dilation measured by an infrared eye tracker. Pupillary dilation indicates levels of fight-or-flight response.

fear study.jpg

How it Works

Below you’ll find some of the most popular field recording equipment. Popular is good. Popular items will have established markets with product almost always in stock.

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This information will make you an informed buyer so you won’t miss a deal or get ripped off.


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