Best Backpacking Books for All Interests


Your Trailside Library: Essential Backpacking Reads for Every Adventure

Embarking on a backpacking adventure is an exhilarating journey into the great outdoors, where every step brings new discoveries and challenges.

Whether you're a seasoned hiker or a novice explorer, having the right knowledge and resources can make all the difference in your outdoor experience.

That's why we've curated a list of the best backpacking books across four essential categories: ultimate guides for preparing and planning, survival skills, food prep, and personal memoirs.

From detailed trail maps to expert tips on wilderness survival, these books offer invaluable insights and practical advice to help you conquer the trails with confidence.

Whether you're seeking to master the art of lightweight packing or craving inspiration from fellow adventurers' tales, there's a backpacking book here to fuel your wanderlust and enhance your outdoor skills.

So grab your gear, lace up your boots, and dive into our handpicked selection of the best backpacking books that will empower you to embark on your next wilderness adventure fully prepared and inspired.

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Quick Picks:

  1. Ultimate Guide: The Backpacker's Field Manual

  2. Survival Skills: How to Stay Alive in the Woods

  3. Food Prep: Recipes for Adventure

  4. Personal Memoir: Force of Nature


Backpacking Guide Books


The Backpacker's Field Manual

"The Backpacker’s Field Manual" by Rick Curtis is an indispensable, all-encompassing guide that equips both novice and seasoned hikers with essential skills, from gear selection to emergency procedures, ensuring a confident and informed outdoor experience.

  • Overview

    "The Backpacker’s Field Manual," authored by Rick Curtis, stands as an authoritative and comprehensive guide tailored for backpackers of all experience levels.

    Meticulously researched and updated, this manual encapsulates modern backpacking essentials, offering in-depth insights into trip planning, gear selection, and emergency preparedness, among others.


    Within its pages, the book provides a holistic view of backpacking today, covering critical aspects like first aid, Leave No Trace principles, gear reviews, cooking and nutrition, hygiene, and water purification.

    Additionally, the manual serves as a practical field guide with over a hundred illustrations, teaching essential back-country skills—from weather forecasting and tree identification to ankle wrapping and bear-proofing a campsite.

    It also shares valuable 'tricks of the trail' and advice for those interested in ultra-light backpacking.


    Designed as both a thorough preparatory read and a handy trail-side reference, the book ensures that whether you are embarking on your first hike or are a seasoned outdoor enthusiast, you have all the necessary tools and knowledge at your disposal.

    It emphasizes that efficient packing is crucial, as backpack space is limited, suggesting that this manual may be the only guide you need for a confident and informed outdoor adventure.


    Author: Rick Curtis, Director of the Outdoor Action Program at Princeton University, with over 25 years of backpacking experience worldwide.

    Publisher: Crown Publishing Group

    ISBN: 9781400053094

    Publication Date: May 24, 2005

    Edition: Revised

    Pages: 448

    Rick Curtis leverages his extensive experience and expertise in outdoor leadership and risk management to deliver a guide that is both educational and engaging, making "The Backpacker’s Field Manual" an indispensable companion for any backpacking journey.

Lighten Up!: Ultralight Backpacking Guide

Don Ladigin's 'Ultralight Backpacking Tips,' humorously illustrated by Mike Clelland, offers indispensable guidance for reducing pack weight while ensuring safety and comfort on the trail.

  • Overview

    "Ultralight Backpacking Tips" by Don Ladigin offers an engaging and accessible introduction to ultralight backpacking, enhanced by the humorous illustrations of Mike Clelland.

    This concise guide is designed to equip hikers and backpackers with the knowledge to stay safe, comfortable, and well-nourished while minimizing the weight of their packs.


    The book simplifies the essentials of ultralight backpacking, providing practical advice on how to reduce pack weight without sacrificing the essentials.

    Through Clelland’s playful and instructive illustrations, readers can easily grasp concepts such as packing efficiently, choosing the lightest yet most effective gear, and preparing simple, lightweight meals.


    Beyond just tips, the book emphasizes safety and comfort, ensuring that even the most weight-conscious backpackers can enjoy their journeys without undue hardship.

    It serves as a compact reference, ideal for quick consultations during trip planning or while on the trail.


    Author: Don Ladigin, a seasoned hiker and instructor of Ultralight Backpacking at the University of Oregon.

    Illustrator: Mike Clelland, a NOLS instructor known for his educational and entertaining illustration style.

    Publisher: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.

    ISBN: 9780762737345

    Publication Date: May 1, 2005

    Series: A Falcon Guide Series

    Edition: First Edition

    Pages: 112

    This book is perfect for anyone looking to dive into the world of ultralight backpacking

Thruhikers: A Guide to Life on the Trail

Explore the great outdoors with expert guidance from Renee Miller and Tim Beissinger, who offer a comprehensive guide to hiking, camping, and backpacking, complete with plant-based recipes and essential survival tips.

  • Overview

    "Exploring the Outdoors with Renee and Tim" offers a fresh and comprehensive perspective on hiking, camping, and backpacking, guided by the experiences of seasoned adventurers Renee Miller and Tim Beissinger, also known as @thruhikers.

    This book, their first publication, is a vibrant compilation of their extensive outdoor exploits, including hiking, canoeing, and camping.


    The book is packed with practical advice, effective techniques, gear recommendations, and troubleshooting tips suitable for both beginners and experienced outdoor enthusiasts.

    It covers the entire outdoor experience: pre-trip planning, on-trail activities, and post-trip considerations.

    Highlighting their commitment to sustainable practices, Renee and Tim offer over 20 plant-based dehydrated recipes such as Curry Rice and Cold-Soaked Shepherd's Pie to enhance your trail meals.


    Beyond just a guide, this book delves into how to handle wildlife encounters, practice Leave No Trace ethics, ensure safe eating and drinking, manage injuries, entertain oneself, and navigate through various weather conditions.

    It also addresses overcoming the post-trail blues, making it a holistic guide for enduring outdoor readiness and enjoyment.


    Authors: Renee Miller and Tim Beissinger, experienced long-distance thru-hikers and outdoor enthusiasts.

    Publisher: DK

    ISBN: 9780744094886

    Publication Date: August 20, 2024

    Pages: 272

    Living in Mountain View, California, Renee and Tim bring a wealth of practical knowledge and personal anecdotes from their adventures across continents, making this book an essential guide for anyone looking to explore the outdoors with confidence and respect for nature.

How to Hike the Appalachian Trail

Chris Cage's 'Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike Planner' is an indispensable resource, offering a detailed step-by-step guide and personal insights to help aspiring thru-hikers successfully navigate and enjoy the monumental 2,185-mile journey

  • Overview

    "Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike Planner" is an essential guide for anyone contemplating or preparing for a thru-hike of the Appalachian Trail.

    Written by experienced hiker and adventurer Chris Cage, this book distills valuable lessons and detailed preparations from his own journey along the 2,185-mile trail.

    It aims to equip potential hikers with the knowledge and tools needed for a successful and enjoyable expedition.


    Chris Cage shares a comprehensive step-by-step guide to planning a thru-hike, from budgeting and saving money to mastering the extensive gear needed for the long trek.

    The book covers practical aspects such as selecting the right clothing, understanding material layering, and choosing the correct direction and timing for the hike.

    It also offers a state-by-state breakdown of the trail, insights into the daily life on the trail, and strategies for overcoming the physical and mental challenges hikers face, including those specific days when quitting seems like the only option.


    Beyond practical advice, the book addresses the real dangers on the trail, nutritional strategies, and includes a section specifically for female hikers by AT record-holder Heather Anderson.

    Chris Cage’s personal anecdotes and tips throughout the book make it not just a planning guide but also a source of motivation and reassurance for hikers at all levels.


    Author: Chris Cage, an adventurer and entrepreneur who founded the backpacking food company, Greenbelly Meals.

    Format: Kindle Edition

    Pages: 195

    Language: English

    Published Date: January 2, 2017

    With his extensive experience both on and off the trail, Chris Cage offers an insider’s view into what it takes to embark on and complete this monumental trek, making the "Appalachian Trail Thru-Hike Planner" a must-read for anyone planning on hiking the Appalachian Trail.

Backpacking for Beginners

Paul Magnanti's 'How to Survive Your First Trip in the Wild' is an essential guide for new backpackers, offering expert advice on gear, food planning, and wilderness survival to ensure a confident and enjoyable first adventure. Great starting place for beginners.

  • Overview

    "How to Survive Your First Trip in the Wild" is a foundational guide designed to prepare first-time backpackers for their initial foray into the wilderness.

    Authored by seasoned backpacker Paul Magnanti, who has accomplished "The Triple Crown of Backpacking," this book equips novices with the confidence and knowledge needed to navigate the backcountry safely.


    The book meticulously details essential information on equipment selection tailored for beginners, campsite setup, water treatment, and outdoor cooking.

    It also includes a sample three-day food plan and snack suggestions to sustain energy during the hike. Readers benefit from practical tips on navigating rough terrain, handling encounters with wildlife, and adhering to "Leave No Trace" principles.

    Additionally, the guide offers detailed gear checklists and planning cheat sheets that help identify the optimal times and trails for backpacking based on geographical location.


    This handbook serves not only as a tutorial for fundamental backpacking skills but also as a comprehensive resource for practical advice and planning tools. Its structured approach helps ensure that readers can prepare thoroughly, thereby enhancing their enjoyment and safety while exploring natural landscapes.


    Author: Paul Magnanti, an expert outdoorsman based in Moab, Utah.

    Publisher: Callisto Publishing

    ISBN: 9781641526821

    Publication Date: September 3, 2019

    Pages: 152

    Paul Magnanti’s experience and enthusiasm for outdoor adventures shine throughout this guide, making "How to Survive Your First Trip in the Wild" an invaluable starting point for anyone eager to discover the joys of backpacking.

Backpacking with Children

Malia Maunakea's 'Backpacking with Children' offers invaluable guidance on how to enjoy safe and fun backpacking adventures with kids, providing practical tips on gear, games, and planning to ensure memorable family outings in nature.

  • Overview

    "Backpacking with Children" by Malia Maunakea is an essential guide for families looking to engage in outdoor adventures with their kids.

    Drawing from extensive personal experience, Malia and her husband, seasoned backpackers with thousands of miles under their belts, share their insights on how to make backpacking with kids both enjoyable and safe.


    The book is rich with practical advice, including how to select lightweight gear that won't break the bank, plan trips, manage weather conditions, and handle unforeseen challenges such as wildlife encounters and injuries.

    It also offers valuable tips on maintaining positive attitudes among children of various age groups, from toddlers to teenagers.

    A special focus is given to entertaining and rewarding children on the trail through games and activities that have been family-tested and approved.


    Designed to be a "must-have" resource as reviewed by the Midwest Book Review, the book emphasizes the importance of careful planning and preparation to ensure that backpacking is fun and accessible for every family member.

    It provides detailed lists, gear recommendations, and do-it-yourself projects, alongside specific advice on route selection and meal planning.


    Author: Malia Maunakea, a Native Hawaiian writer and avid hiker.

    Publisher: Mountaineers Books, The

    ISBN: 9781937052874

    Publication Date: January 27, 2023

    Pages: 224

    "Backpacking with Children" is not only a guide but a source of inspiration for families seeking to instill a love for nature in their children, making each hiking trip a building block for lifelong outdoor passion.

    Malia Maunakea's expert guidance ensures that families are well-equipped to embark on memorable and rewarding adventures together.


Survival Skills


Survival Hacks

Survival Hacks" by Creek Stewart offers ingenious, easy-to-follow tips for transforming everyday items into essential survival tools, ensuring you're prepared for any emergency with practical, life-saving techniques.

  • Overview

    "Survival Hacks" by Creek Stewart is a compelling guide that teaches you how to adapt and survive using everyday objects.

    As a seasoned survival expert, Creek provides an array of ingenious hacks and tips that turn common items into essential survival tools, ensuring you're prepared for any unexpected situation in the wilderness.


    This guide delves into a variety of survival techniques, demonstrating how to transform simple items like soda tabs, plastic bottles, and even ramen packets into life-saving equipment.

    From creating a cookstove out of alcohol-soaked ramen to fashioning a fishing lure from your credit card, Stewart's hacks are both innovative and practical.

    The book covers a broad range of scenarios, including constructing emergency shelters from trash bags, purifying water using just a plastic bottle and sunlight, and crafting small-scale conveniences like tables from sticks and ropes.


    "Survival Hacks" goes beyond mere survival tips by emphasizing the importance of always being prepared.

    It includes advice on assembling everyday carry kits and pocket-sized survival kits that are easy to carry and could be critical in emergency situations.

    This guide is designed to be practical, with step-by-step instructions that make survival more accessible to everyone, regardless of their previous experience.


    Author: Creek Stewart, a renowned survival instructor and media personality.

    Publisher: Adams Media

    ISBN: 9781440593345

    Publication Date: April 1, 2016

    Series: Life Hacks Series

    Pages: 256

    Creek Stewart's "Survival Hacks" is essential reading for anyone interested in learning how to manage survival situations with minimal resources, ensuring that you're always prepared, whether in the wilderness or in urban settings.

How to Stay Alive in the Woods

How to Stay Alive in the Woods" is a comprehensive survival guide that equips adventurers with essential skills and knowledge to thrive in the wilderness, using time-tested techniques and minimal modern gear.

  • Overview

    "How to Stay Alive in the Woods," a classic survival guide by renowned wilderness expert Bradford Angier, is an indispensable resource for anyone venturing into the outdoors or backcountry.

    This book, packed with illustrated core survival skills and timeless advice, serves as a comprehensive manual for mastering the wilderness with minimal reliance on modern gear.


    The book is organized into four critical sections—Sustenance, Warmth, Orientation, and Safety—each providing detailed, practical guidance on essential outdoor survival skills.

    Readers will learn how to procure food by catching game without a gun, identify edible plants with the help of full-color illustrations, construct warm shelters, make clothing, and signal for help.

    The guide also offers strategies for personal protection and staying safe in the wild.


    Bradford Angier, a pioneer in survivalist techniques, delivers clear, concise instructions complemented by detailed illustrations that make complex skills accessible at a glance.

    "How to Stay Alive in the Woods" not only educates on how to survive with basic tools but also enriches the reader’s understanding of living in harmony with nature.


    Author: Bradford Angier, supplemented by insights from other noted survivalists and naturalists.

    Publisher: Running Press Book Publishers

    ISBN: 9781579122218

    Publication Date: November 1, 2001

    Series: In the Woods

    Edition: Reprint

    Pages: 320

    Whether you're a novice outdoor enthusiast or a seasoned adventurer, Bradford Angier’s guide is a vital tool for ensuring safety and confidence in the wilderness. "How to Stay Alive in the Woods" is a testament to the enduring relevance of traditional survival skills in the modern age.

The Useful Knots Book

The Useful Knots Book" by Sam Fury is an essential guide, providing easy-to-follow instructions and clear illustrations for tying the 25 most practical knots for climbing, fishing, boating, and survival situations.

  • Overview

    "The Useful Knots Book" by Sam Fury is a straightforward and practical guide to mastering the 25 most essential knots for various applications.

    Aimed at beginners and seasoned enthusiasts alike, this book simplifies the art of knot tying with clear instructions, vivid illustrations, and helpful tips on selecting the right knot for every task.


    Sam Fury delves into the fundamental categories of knots, including stopper knots, loops, hitches, bends, and lashing, providing a solid foundation for understanding their specific uses.

    The guide covers a wide range of activities such as climbing, fishing, boating, and survival situations, ensuring readers are well-equipped to handle any scenario with confidence. Each knot description includes easy-to-follow steps complemented by detailed pictures, making the learning process both easy and enjoyable.


    Beyond practical knot-tying skills, the book also offers advice on rope care and the explanations of common rope terminology, enhancing the reader's overall rope-handling expertise.

    This resource is part of the "Escape, Evasion, and Survival" series, reflecting Fury’s extensive background in survival training and outdoor skills.

    Special Features

    Purchasers of the book gain access to a range of bonuses, including free downloads of new releases from SF Nonfiction Books, exclusive discounts, sample chapters, and additional bonus content, adding further value to this comprehensive guide.


    Author: Sam Fury, a seasoned expert in survival, evasion, resistance, and escape (SERE) techniques.

    Series: Escape, Evasion, and Survival

    Print Length: 68 pages

    Language: English

    Publication Date: August 7, 2019

    Ideal for anyone from outdoor enthusiasts to scouts, "The Useful Knots Book" equips readers with the only knots they'll ever need to know, presented in a clear, concise, and engaging way.


Food Prep


Recipes for Adventure

Chef Glenn McAllister's 'The Ultimate Guide to Dehydrating Food for the Trail' transforms outdoor meal preparation with over 75 easy-to-follow, nutritious, and dehydrated recipes suitable for any adventure, making gourmet dining possible even in the wilderness.

  • Overview

    "The Ultimate Guide to Dehydrating Food for the Trail" by Chef Glenn McAllister is a comprehensive cookbook that teaches adventurers how to prepare and enjoy dehydrated meals on the go.

    With over 75 backpacking recipes, this guide is perfect for anyone engaging in outdoor activities such as hiking, kayaking, biking, and more.


    Chef Glenn provides step-by-step instructions and full-color photos to assist readers in cooking meals that are both delicious and easy to prepare with minimal equipment.

    The book emphasizes healthy eating by offering light-weight meal options that are free from the artificial ingredients typically found in freeze-dried products.

    Recipes include a variety of meals, snacks, and desserts, designed to be both nutritious and satisfying on the trail.

    Techniques and Tips

    The first half of the book details how to dehydrate various foods, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and eggs.

    It introduces readers to the innovative technique of making "bark" from dried root vegetables, which serves as a flavorful base for sauces.

    The second half of the book is dedicated to recipes for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert.


    Besides providing recipes, Chef Glenn also shares effective food packing techniques to ensure that meals are safe and secure, allowing backpackers to carry a week’s worth of food without resupplying.

    The guide also presents cost-effective solutions, highlighting that homemade meals can significantly reduce expenses compared to commercial freeze-dried options.


    Author: Chef Glenn McAllister

    Publisher: CreateSpace Publishing

    ISBN: 9781484861349

    Publication Date: June 12, 2013

    Edition: New Edition

    Pages: 98

    Chef Glenn, who splits his time between the United States and Switzerland, not only shares his culinary expertise but also his passion for exploring the great outdoors. His book is an invaluable resource for outdoor enthusiasts looking to enhance their meal experience on various adventures.

Complete Dehydrator Cookbook

The Complete Dehydrator Cookbook" by Carole Cancler offers over 125 delicious and nutritious recipes, alongside comprehensive guidance on dehydrating a wide variety of foods, making it the ultimate resource for mastering the art of food preservation and delicious backpacking meals.

  • Overview

    "The Complete Dehydrator Cookbook" by Carole Cancler is the definitive guide to using one of the oldest and most versatile methods of food preservation—dehydration.

    This comprehensive cookbook not only educates on the drying process but also provides practical and delicious ways to incorporate dehydrated foods into everyday meals, making it a must-have for anyone interested in expanding their culinary and preservation skills.


    This all-encompassing guide explores the history and practical applications of dehydration, from ancient techniques to modern kitchen practices.

    It offers over 125 recipes that range from hearty stews and curries to nutritious snacks like fruit leathers and jerky, along with unique offerings such as herbal teas and spice blends.

    The book covers the dehydrating process for an extensive variety of ingredients, including fruits, vegetables, meats, and even more unconventional items like yogurt and tofu.


    A to Z Drying: Detailed guidance on dehydrating over 75 different types of food, equipped with troubleshooting tips and specific instructions for each item.

    Dehydrated Dishes: Recipes for complete meals, snacks, and even desserts that utilize dehydrated ingredients, catering to both traditional cooking and raw food diets.

    Nutritional and Practical Benefits: Emphasizes the compact, travel-friendly, and nutritious aspects of dehydrated foods, making it ideal for camping, backpacking, and emergency food storage.


    Author: Carole Cancler, an expert in food preservation with a background in food science, nutrition, and anthropology.

    Publisher: Callisto Publishing

    ISBN: 9781646117017

    Publication Date: April 28, 2020

    Pages: 226

    Carole Cancler brings her extensive knowledge and passion for food preservation to life in this book, offering readers not just a collection of recipes but a valuable resource on how to safely and effectively extend the shelf life of their food while maximizing flavor.

    Whether you're a seasoned food preserver or new to the concept of dehydration, "The Complete Dehydrator Cookbook" provides everything you need to know to get started and to enjoy delicious, preserved foods at home.

The Backcountry Feast

The Backcountry Feast" presents a treasure trove of over tried-and-true dehydrator recipes alongside ingenious tips for preparing essential ingredients like dehydrated eggs, ensuring campers can enjoy quick, hearty meals on the trail with ease and convenience.

  • Overview

    "The Backcountry Feast" offers a collection of more than just dehydrator recipes; it's a comprehensive guide to creating delicious and convenient meals for outdoor adventures.

    With tips on dehydrating various ingredients, including a clever method for making rehydratable eggs, and options for gluten-free and vegetarian substitutions, this book ensures that every camper can enjoy hearty and satisfying meals with minimal preparation time.


    This concise yet informative guide presents tried-and-true dehydrator recipes for a variety of dishes, from classic favorites like beef stew and macaroni and cheese to more innovative options such as smoothies, burritos, and stuffed peppers.

    Each meal is designed to be quick and easy to prepare at the campsite, requiring nothing more than boiling water and a short wait time of 10 minutes.


    Comprehensive Guidance: Tips on dehydrating different ingredients, including a special technique for preparing dehydrated eggs suitable for fluffy scrambled egg dishes.

    Customization Options: Suggestions for gluten-free and vegetarian substitutions to accommodate various dietary preferences and restrictions.

    Convenience and Practicality: Emphasis on the ease and convenience of preparing meals on the trail, with recipes that store well once dehydrated for long-term use during camping trips or emergencies.


    Publisher: CreateSpace Publishing

    ISBN: 9781539791171

    Publication Date: October 28, 2016

    Pages: 40

    "The Backcountry Feast" is a must-have resource for outdoor enthusiasts looking to elevate their camping and backpacking experience with delicious, homemade meals that are both convenient and satisfying.

    With its focus on simplicity, versatility, and practicality, this book ensures that campers can enjoy flavorful meals even in the most remote wilderness settings.


Personal Memoirs


Force of Nature

"Force of Nature" by Joan takes readers on a captivating journey along the John Muir Trail, where three intrepid women navigate the challenges of nature and human relationships. Transformative exploration of the wilderness.

  • Overview

    "Force of Nature" chronicles the awe-inspiring journey of three adventurous women in their fifties as they embark on the challenging John Muir Trail, encountering both the beauty of nature and the complexities of human relationships along the way.

    This gripping narrative seamlessly blends adventure, memoir, and nature writing, offering readers a captivating exploration of the transformative power of the wilderness.


    Set against the backdrop of the breathtaking John Muir Trail, the story follows the exploits of three friends as they navigate rugged terrain, unpredictable weather, and personal trials during their month-long trek.

    From confronting lightning storms at high altitudes to reveling in the majesty of towering waterfalls, the women experience a range of emotions and challenges that test their physical and emotional resilience.

    Along the journey, they form unexpected bonds with fellow hikers and encounter a diverse array of characters, adding depth and richness to their adventure.


    Publisher: Black Rose Writing

    ISBN: 9781685132811

    Publication Date: September 28, 2023

    Pages: 396

    "Force of Nature" is a testament to the enduring spirit of adventure and the profound impact of the wilderness on the human soul.

    Through Joan's masterful storytelling, readers are transported to the rugged beauty of the Sierra Nevada mountains, where they join the protagonists on an unforgettable journey of self-discovery, camaraderie, and the enduring power of nature.

AWOL on the Appalachian Trail

Embark on an unforgettable journey with David Miller's "AWOL on the Appalachian Trail," a captivating memoir that blends rich descriptions of nature's beauty with introspective reflections on perseverance and the pursuit of dreams.

  • Overview

    "AWOL on the Appalachian Trail" by David Miller is a captivating memoir recounting the author's courageous decision to leave behind his conventional life and embark on an epic journey along the Appalachian Trail, providing readers with a deeply personal perspective on the challenges and rewards of pursuing one's dreams.


    Miller's narrative takes readers on a compelling journey through the 2,172-mile Appalachian Trail, from the lush valleys of Georgia to the rugged terrain of Maine.

    Through vivid descriptions, he paints a vivid picture of the landscapes, capturing the solitude, inspiration, and transformative experiences encountered along the way. Interspersed with introspective reflections, the book delves into the emotional and psychological aspects of long-distance hiking, offering insights into the resilience and determination required to overcome obstacles.

    In addition to sharing his personal experiences, Miller provides practical advice on safety precautions and essential gear, drawing from his expertise as a seasoned hiker and author of "The A.T. Guide." This blend of narrative storytelling and informative passages makes "AWOL on the Appalachian Trail" a comprehensive and engaging read for both outdoor enthusiasts and armchair adventurers alike.


    ISBN-13: 9781935597193

    Publisher: Amazon Publishing

    Publication date: 10/18/2010

    Pages: 346

    "AWOL on the Appalachian Trail" offers readers a poignant and insightful exploration of one man's quest for adventure, self-discovery, and fulfillment.

    Through Miller's eloquent prose and genuine storytelling, the book transcends its role as a mere travelogue, providing a profound testament to the transformative power of following one's dreams.

A Walk In The Woods

Embark on a hilarious and enlightening journey along the Appalachian Trail with Bill Bryson as your guide, blending humor, history, and environmental advocacy in "A Walk in the Woods."

  • Overview

    In "A Walk in the Woods," Bill Bryson embarks on a whimsical and enlightening journey along the Appalachian Trail, offering readers a hilarious yet poignant narrative that delves into the history of this iconic trail while advocating for better conservation efforts and celebrating the beauty of nature.


    As Bryson sets out to hike the 2,100-mile Appalachian Trail in 1996, accompanied by his comical companion Stephen Katz, he encounters a myriad of challenges and adventures amidst the breathtaking landscapes of America's wilderness.

    From dodging snake bites to navigating treacherous terrain, Bryson's misadventures are laced with humor and keen observation, shedding light on both the wonders and perils of the natural world.

    Along the way, he reflects on the importance of preserving these national treasures and the need for greater environmental awareness.


    Publisher: Crown Publishing Group

    ISBN: 9780767902526

    Publication Date: May 4, 1999

    Pages: 304

    In "A Walk in the Woods," Bill Bryson invites readers on a delightful and enlightening adventure along the Appalachian Trail, blending humor, history, and environmental advocacy in a captivating narrative that celebrates the beauty of nature and the joys of exploration.

Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart

Carrot Quinn provides a vivid and introspective account of her 2,660-mile trek along the Pacific Crest Trail, illuminating the physical and emotional challenges faced on this transformative journey of self-discovery and connection with nature.

  • Overview

    "Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart" by Carrot Quinn chronicles the author's transformative journey from addiction to the Internet and urban numbness to self-discovery and connection as she embarks on her first long-distance hike along the Pacific Crest Trail.


    In the vast wilderness of the Pacific Crest Trail, Carrot Quinn confronts physical and emotional challenges, from pain, injury, and exhaustion to loneliness and self-doubt. Along the way, she forms deep bonds with a diverse group of fellow hikers, each united by the common goal of reaching Canada before winter sets in.


    Print Length: 370 pages

    Language: English

    Publication Date: April 22, 2015

    ISBN-10: 1511740558

    Carrot Quinn is an experienced long-distance hiker, having walked over eleven thousand miles, including the Pacific Crest Trail three times. Her daily blog posts from each of these hikes offer readers an intimate glimpse into her adventures and reflections.

    Through vivid storytelling and raw honesty, "Thru-Hiking Will Break Your Heart" offers readers a captivating narrative of self-discovery, resilience, and the transformative power of nature experienced through the lens of long-distance hiking.


Embark on a transformative journey of resilience and self-discovery with Cheryl Strayed's gripping memoir "Wild," a captivating narrative of healing and perseverance amidst the rugged terrain of the Pacific Crest Trail.

  • Overview

    "Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail" by Cheryl Strayed is a poignant memoir chronicling the author's transformative journey along the rugged Pacific Crest Trail, blending gripping narrative with themes of healing and resilience in the face of adversity.


    This bestselling memoir follows Cheryl Strayed's courageous decision to hike over a thousand miles of the Pacific Crest Trail alone, following a period of profound personal loss and upheaval.

    Through vivid prose and heartfelt reflection, Strayed recounts the challenges, triumphs, and self-discovery she experiences during her arduous trek through the wilderness.


    Compelling Narrative: Strayed's gripping storytelling skillfully captures the emotional complexities of her journey, offering readers a compelling blend of suspense, warmth, and humor.

    Themes of Healing and Perseverance: The memoir delves into Strayed's inner journey of healing and self-discovery, illustrating how the physical challenges of the trail mirror her internal struggles and ultimately lead to personal growth.

    Inspirational Message: "Wild" serves as a testament to the power of resilience and the human spirit, inspiring readers to confront their own challenges with courage and determination.


    Author: Cheryl Strayed, acclaimed author and essayist known for her raw honesty and introspective writing style.

    Publisher: Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group

    ISBN-13: 9780307476074

    Publication Date: March 26, 2013

    Pages: 336

    Cheryl Strayed's "Wild" is a captivating memoir that resonates with readers for its authenticity, emotional depth, and universal themes of redemption and self-discovery, making it a timeless classic in the realm of adventure literature.

Balancing On Blue

Experience the captivating odyssey of self-discovery as Keith Foskett navigates the Appalachian Trail in "Balancing on Blue," a gripping memoir that delves into the trials, triumphs, and transformative power of wilderness exploration.

  • Overview

    "Balancing on Blue" by Keith Foskett chronicles his bold decision to thru-hike the entire 2,200-mile Appalachian Trail, leaving behind the confines of ordinary life for a transformative journey of self-discovery amidst the unforgiving wilderness.


    Foskett shares his extraordinary adventure through America's wildest landscapes, enduring physical and psychological challenges while accompanied by a diverse cast of characters.

    This gripping tale offers insight, honesty, and reflection, providing readers with a captivating narrative that goes beyond the typical outdoor memoir.


    ISBN-13: 9781480176416

    Publisher: CreateSpace Publishing

    Publication date: 03/16/2015

    Series: Thru-Hiking Adventures , #3

    Pages: 278

    Venture beyond the ordinary and join Keith Foskett on his courageous trek along the Appalachian Trail.

    Whether you're seeking inspiration, adventure, or simply a captivating read, "Balancing on Blue" invites you to discover how the wilderness can change lives and ignite the spirit of exploration.



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